She's the personification of putting a little too much condiments on a meal to make it taste better than it actually is, but it instead makes a big mess. Suzy's just this totally plain, lame "I'm actually a super cool -insert fad here- person" who married a guy who made Adult Swim humor on the internet. Given the vast amount of evidence of how he plays video games, it seems more likely he would throw a temper tantrum the minute a monster behaves in a way he did not know it could. I don't get how he can be a fan of Monster Hunter, a game about recognizing patterns and habits in enemies, adapting to said patterns and habits, then wailing on the enemy until it dies or you capture it. Then again, when I heard him list some rpgs and say they weren't hard I started laughing hard because I pictured Arin being himself and shouting and blaming the game for his lack of skill when he encounters a fight that's hard. I'm going to reference Sequelitis again, because that's the most I've seen Arin discuss games, and… maybe it's because I played those games at the time they came out but most of his praises I already felt and don't care about this manbaby going nuts over them? And a lot of his complaints are just… whiny. Which I'm sure will get me bashed but hey, at least they are trying something. Every Sonic game has something to offer, in a way. >361520 Honestly, Dream Daddy has nothing to really offer if you aren't a big fan of GG and their brand of… comedy? Is that what it's called?>361458 I mean, it's really easy to hate Sonic but it's also really easy to hate anything. I would recommend this game to people who aren't actually into gay visual novels or if you're looking for something that isn't intense Super sage forry for rambling and leaving an entire review of the game but I just want others who aren't buying it to know what it's like. The backgrounds were a little sloppy and probably took about 7 hours? The characters Definently got alot more time into them bUT it would have been nice if the backgrounds had a little more character to them itself. Also some peoppe said the game was supposed to be serious but honestly there weren't many serious parts and was filled with dad jokes, however the transition scenes were amazingly smooth and just seemed so well done along with the character art. I think the reason their ratings on steam is so high because no one has really played enough of it yet or are straight so aren't really hoping there to be any stills of gay guys but it's still kinda disappointing. The music and general characters were really well together but either than that I wouldn't suggest getting it unless you're fine with fujobaiting and feeling a little disappointed with the overall plot… The fact the game was made with unity and it took them an entire year to mkae this is a little sad because they had an entire team and could have done so much more since dating Sims are one of the easiest and quickest things to make, you just need a plot and a bunch of character expressions for the most part (obviously you need alot more but those two things are going to be the most time consuming). Some of the characters like Hugo had some mic troubles I guess because their lines sounded like they were either in an echoing cave or talking into a shity gaming headset. The plot is short and jumps from platonic to lovers far too quick and the overall designs for the Mc look so stupid compared to the actual characters which made the whole thing weird when the Mc would talk as they were clearly drawn in different art styles with less effort. It took me less then 3 hours to finish an entire route and will end up taking considerably less being able to skip through the already read dialogue. Honestly I feel so stupid to think this game would be actually decent, maybe it's because I've only finished two routes so far but there wasn't any still images like in normal visual novels and of course no actual scenes of them doing 'it' except a brief mention near the end.